SPOT on Devices
(SPOT Tracker and TruQC have joined forces to become TRU, a Jones Company)
Tablets, Smartphones, Accessories – OH MY!
You’re in! You’ve completed the demo and are ready to take the next step in implementing SPOT at your business. We’re ready to launch the program when it hits you. Who is going to be responsible for buying the devices, purchasing data plans, setting each device up, charging the devices, and troubleshooting? If you use your own devices, will your employees be okay with using their own data? So after a stampede of never-ending questions runs rampant in your mind, you decide this is not something you want to handle.

Great news, in addition to our services… we lease devices! Our team procures the device(s) along with all necessary accessories, installs the SPOT software (available on both iOS and Android platforms), packages and delivers them to you in a timely manner before your project begins. And while, yes, you can use our software on your personal device, it’s also nice to have a dedicated business device. This way, you don’t have to worry about using your own data, losing your device, or device malfunctions. An added benefit of leasing our devices is that our support team is here to help you and your staff 24/7 with any software or hardware issues that might occur.
In fact, we’ve leased up to 200+ devices in one project, so we’ve definitely got the experience to manage your project’s device requirements. Take all of the responsibility of purchasing the required Ipads, smartphones, or whichever devices you plan to use (because with this comes the never-ending questions) off of yourself, and let us handle it all. Let us get you up and running with SPOT in no time!