Virtual Reality Training
(SPOT Tracker and TruQC have joined forces to become TRU, a Jones Company)
It’s not just that we take safety seriously and that we maintain the industry’s highest standards of safety practices. The fact is we are constantly asking the question: what more could we do? What else can we incorporate that helps ensure our personnel and the personnel of our clients are as protected and productive as possible?
We know better than to simply rely on our own ideas or ingenuity (even though we think we’re pretty brilliant). That’s why we’re not afraid to ask our own clients and industry peers if we can learn from their safety standards and participate in their corporate training to make sure we’ve considered all vantage points and potential experiences.
So when some current clients mentioned that they were incorporating virtual reality simulators into their training regiment, we raised our hands and asked, “Can we give it a go?”

They were kind enough to make room at the table for SPOT employees to give virtual reality training a shot and as it turned out, we crushed it. And that’s a big deal for one very important reason.
It further demonstrates that regardless of training style, mechanism, or environment, SPOT’s safety standards are second to none. Whether we are setting the standard or responding to it, the bottom line is we are consistently showing up prepared, both physically and mentally with the right tools to get the job done safely, no matter where it is.