SPOT for the win: Summit Carbon Solutions

(SPOT Tracker and TruQC have joined forces to become TRU, a Jones Company)

The world is becoming increasingly focused on sustainability to protect our environment and way of life. Because of this, emissions reduction commitments from governments, industry, and consumers are on the rise leading to a major need for creative solutions.  Summit Carbon Solutions, backed by Summit Agricultural Group, is leading decarbonization by partnering with more than 30 ethanol facilities over a five-state region in the upper midwest to capture, transport, and permanently store their CO2 emissions, cutting their carbon intensity in half. This project, once completed will have the ability to capture over 12 million metric tons of CO2, making this the largest carbon capture project in the world.

The world is becoming increasingly focused on sustainability to protect our environment and way of life. Because of this, emissions reduction commitments from governments, industry, and consumers are on the rise leading to a major need for creative solutions.  Summit Carbon Solutions, backed by Summit Agricultural Group, is leading decarbonization by partnering with more than 30 ethanol facilities over a five-state region in the upper midwest to capture, transport, and permanently store their CO2 emissions, cutting their carbon intensity in half. This project, once completed will have the ability to capture over 12 million metric tons of CO2, making this the largest carbon capture project in the world. 

SPOT is thrilled to be working with Summit Carbon Solutions on this project as a digital partner providing services like pipeline traceability, digital inspection forms, and dashboards for project progress monitoring. This project will capture carbon dioxide from the fermentation process of biorefineries like ethanol plants, compress the captured CO2, and then channel it to North Dakota where it will then be permanently stored underground. This will drastically reduce the carbon footprint of ethanol production and enhance the long-term viability of the ethanol and agriculture industries. The Summit Carbon Solutions project will generate thousands of jobs during construction and hundreds of full-time jobs once operational. 


The project will span over 1,950 miles in states including Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska.


Summit Carbon Solutions seeks to lower the carbon intensity score of ethanol plants increasing their competitiveness and profitability. They are committed to using the most efficient techniques and practices throughout the duration of this project. This will include taking steps to carefully separate and preserve topsoil and working with landowners to reroute parts of the line to accommodate future construction plans. 

The safety of their operations, employees, and communities where they will be operating is their top priority, and they are committed to remaining compliant with all federal, state, and local permitting requirements. 


The economic opportunities this project will bring to the Midwest economy will be substantial. The project will put the ethanol produced at their 32 partner facilities on track to become a net-zero fuel by 2030. This will allow these plants to sell their product at a premium in the states who have adopted low-carbon fuel standards.  

Ernst & Young, a well-renowned accounting firm, conducted a study that found that this project will not only create jobs but will generate new tax revenue for local communities, support local suppliers, and substantially strengthen the Midwest’s regional economy. 

As mentioned earlier, the project will have the ability to capture and permanently store up to 12 million tons of CO2 every year. To put that into perspective, that’s the equivalent of removing 2.6 million vehicles from our roads annually. 

Click here to watch a short video of the project overview. 

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